Fort Students and Families,
Greetings from Fort Hamilton. We hope that you’re having a positive and productive summer break.
Tigers, have you done your summer reading? Still time before the first day of classes on 9/7/2023. The reading assignments are on the website at
A few updates to ensure you are ready for the 2023-24 school year, starting with information about email accounts.
A reminder about phasing out the account for cohorts 2024, 2025 and 2026. It was mistakenly removed the first week of August but has since been restored. Use your OSIS # as the password to re-access your account and reset it as you wish. Access to will be totally removed on 9/8/2023, so transfer anything you need to your account. ONLY will be used at Fort Hamilton to begin the new school year, so plan accordingly. Every student should also have a personal email address to assist with the 2 step verification process.
If you need access to your account, please complete the form on the link below.
Important dates:
8/15 Final day of Summer School Classes
8/16-17 Regents Exam Administration
8/21-25 School Closed
8/30 or 9/31 Orientation for NEW students to Fort at 9am (ID cards, tour, expectations, etc.)
9/5 or 9/6 Distribution of Metro Cards and IDs as needed 9am to 2pm
9/6 After 3pm, course program available on and NYCSA
9/7 First day of classes for Term 1
– all students should come in with written schedule of assigned courses (print or copy)
9/8 Second day of classes
LAST DAY to access
Take care and enjoy the remainder of the summer.
K Houlihan
Greetings from Fort Hamilton. We hope that you’re having a positive and productive summer break.
Tigers, have you done your summer reading? Still time before the first day of classes on 9/7/2023. The reading assignments are on the website at
A few updates to ensure you are ready for the 2023-24 school year, starting with information about email accounts.
A reminder about phasing out the account for cohorts 2024, 2025 and 2026. It was mistakenly removed the first week of August but has since been restored. Use your OSIS # as the password to re-access your account and reset it as you wish. Access to will be totally removed on 9/8/2023, so transfer anything you need to your account. ONLY will be used at Fort Hamilton to begin the new school year, so plan accordingly. Every student should also have a personal email address to assist with the 2 step verification process.
If you need access to your account, please complete the form on the link below.
Important dates:
8/15 Final day of Summer School Classes
8/16-17 Regents Exam Administration
8/21-25 School Closed
8/30 or 9/31 Orientation for NEW students to Fort at 9am (ID cards, tour, expectations, etc.)
9/5 or 9/6 Distribution of Metro Cards and IDs as needed 9am to 2pm
9/6 After 3pm, course program available on and NYCSA
9/7 First day of classes for Term 1
– all students should come in with written schedule of assigned courses (print or copy)
9/8 Second day of classes
LAST DAY to access
Take care and enjoy the remainder of the summer.
K Houlihan