ort Families and Students: March 24, 2022
Marking Period 2 began on Monday, March 21, 2022. On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, Report Cards with MP1 progress will be available on Pupilpath.
Administration of the SAT and PSAT went smoothly on March 23, 2022 for grades 11 and 10, and we thank everyone in grades 9 and 12 for participating in planned activities. We are back to the regular bell schedule until June.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP): The expansion of SYEP Summer 2022 has allocated 400 jobs in its Direct Recruitment program for Fort Hamilton HS students. Representatives from the Chinese Planning Council, the CBO facilitating job creation and supervision, will be in our cafeteria on March 24-25 to share information and assist students with applications for both the lottery and direct recruitment programs. Use PIN# CR-91045 when applying to the direct recruitment program. Please see our website at fthhs.org for a direct link to the application and more information.
Annual School Survey EXTENDED to April 15: More time to complete the Learning Survey to provide our school feedback. I have challenged our families to reach 50% completion and I’ll dye my hair Tiger BLUE!! We encourage all parents to visit www.NYCSchoolSurvey.org to share feedback. Your family access code is the letter "f" (lower case) followed by your child's OSIS number. Example: f123456789. The window to complete the survey is NOW OPEN until April 15, 2022
A reminder that we have tutoring after school across all subject areas and select tutoring on Saturdays from 9am to 11am. In addition, our library is open until 5pm Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for students to use computers and other resources. Please encourage your child to take advantage of these opportunities.
Have a positive and productive day.
K Houlihan