Fort Students and Parents:
Pupilpath is restored to students and families. The disruption to Pupilpath across the nation has been unfortunate, but the company that manages the system assures us that everything is functional and all parties have access again. If you still need to register for a Pupilpath account, please contact the guidance counselor or our Parent Coordinator, Gabriella Ruales
Term 1 classes continue to meet daily January 24-28. While teachers will still accept make-up work through the final day of Term 1, January 28th, they must submit grades earlier in the week. For any student currently on quarantine and/or completing critical assignments to earn course credit, please understand that teachers have many students and tracking the disruptions due to covid have been a challenge. We are committed to supporting students through these difficult times, but students are responsible for the work and communicating with teachers. This includes courses on Edgenuity and making up incomplete courses (NX grade) from Spring 2021.
Positive covid cases have dropped dramatically this week with approximately 160 students still on quarantine. Thank you for continuing to report a positive case to Mr. Holke, AP of Security I.A. Students with a positive case must quarantine for 10 days. Our distribution of 2 covid tests on Wednesdays is to be used for students exposed to a positive case in school (email notification to both parent and student if exposed) and/or with symptoms. A negative test after exposure along with NO SYMPTOMS allows a student to continue attending school.
Looking Ahead:
January 24-28 Classes meet per regular bell schedule
January 24 Title I and PTA Meeting – registration is required
January 31 No students in attendance – Staff Professional Learning
January 31 No students in attendance – Staff Professional Learning
February 1 SCHOOL CLOSED for Lunar New Year
February 2 Term 2 begins and classes resume (see bell schedule attached)
Term 2 program distributed and available on Pupilpath Term 1 Report Cards distributed and available on Pupilpath
Please continue to take every precaution to stay healthy. We urge your support to help students understand the importance of maintaining the mask over the mouth and nose. Thank you for working together to keep our community as safe as possible.
K Houlihan