Collection of school devices, books, uniforms, etc. in - 10am to 2pm

Collection of school devices, books, uniforms, etc. in - 10am to 2pm
6/22/2021, 10:00 AM 2:00 PM
Student Café

As the school year comes to a close on June 25th, we must collect school items so that we can assess inventory and prepare for the upcoming school year.

Please return any school items per the schedule below. Enter through delivery and we'll collect items in the cafe. Students will get a receipt for returned items, including books, iPads or laptops, uniforms (Band, JROTC), calculators, or other items. This includes iPads from the DOE that were delivered to your home as well as devices picked up at FHHS. Please make sure that all students who are returning a device are returning the one assigned to them, not a sibling's device who attends another school.

Return Schedule in Cafeteria:

Monday, June 21st between 10am and 2pm

Tuesday, June 22nd between 10am and 2pm

Thursday, June 24th between 10am and 2pm

Students graduating must have a receipt for items returned in order to pick up their diploma on June 24 and June 25 from 9am to 11am on the circle.

Thank you for attending to this important matter.

K Houlihan

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