Dear Fort Hamilton Community:
Striving for excellence is the ongoing mission of Fort Hamilton High School. When there are challenges, such as the pandemic and frequent policy changes, we face them together and build upon the strength of our inclusive and committed community.
Fort Hamilton High School is a culturally diverse community with students from over 65 countries. Our dedicated staff members prepare students to meet, even exceed, the academic challenges of New York City and the New York State Education Department’s performance standards and assessments. All curriculum is aligned with the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS), and we set our instructional focus on literacy based on the needs of our students. We engage them with a variety of learning choices and opportunities to guide their development as positive and productive citizens of the 21st century.
Parents and families are an integral component, and we share information and decision making to better enable participation and input. Preparing our students for college and/or career necessitates that we work together to maximize every learning opportunity for all students. We encourage active participation in the Parent Teacher Association in addition to the use of New York City Schools Account and Jupiter, the latter an online gradebook and communication system that helps students and families monitor academic progress.
During the 2024-2025 school year, student activities will be in full swing with parades, competitions, live performances, Saturday Academy, clubs, etc.. We will continue with our Fort Food Pantry to support students and families, and community service remains a core value of Fort Hamilton. Our commitment to support the school and larger community is exhibited by Leadership, the National Honor Society, JROTC, and dozens of clubs that contribute to the broader community.
At Fort Hamilton High School, our focus is quality instruction provided in an environment safe and conducive to learning with mutual respect for all. Fort Hamilton is a highly regarded large comprehensive New York City public high school. We are proud to share it with you as we continue to set the standard for excellence and prepare students for college and career.
Very truly yours,
Kaye Houlihan
Kaye Houlihan, Principal